The National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program is one of the most successful programs designed to serve high school dropouts. Over 113,000 cadets have graduated since 1993. Of these, over 60% have earned their GED or high school diploma while in the program, nearly double the average pass rate for the same target age group.

- 59% of 2012 ChalleNGe graduates received their high school diploma or GED.
- 45% joined the workforce.
- 41% continued their education.
- 7% joined the military.
- Program participants have donated nearly 8 million hours of community service during the program’s 16-year duration.
- Programs have awarded graduates nearly 69,500 academic credentials.
- Over 113,000 teens have graduated.
- National Mentoring Award 2001
- California State Champion for Military Drill 2002, 2003
- Atascadero Colony Days Parade, 2002, 2004, 2005 Best Marching Group
- San Luis Obispo Red Ribbon Day Parade, 2002 Best Marching Group
- The 2003 Lieutenant General Herbert R. Temple Leadership Award
- Best All-Around Program in the nation 2005
- Innovation Award 2006
- Health and Hygiene Award 2006
- Best Post Residential Performance Award 2007
- California School Boards Association 29th Annual Golden Bell Award 2008
- National Multiple Sclerosis Society Outstanding Volunteer Organization of the Year 2009
- California Cadet Corps State Drill Competition, Los Alamitos, Armed Exhibition Team, 2nd Plt -2009
- California Cadet Corp State Drill Competition, Los Alamitos, Senior Div. Unarmed Exibitition 3rd Plt 2009
- Cambria Lions Club Pinerado Parade Best Youth Entry Award 2010
- Cambria Lions Club Pinerado Parade Non-Musical Drill Team Junior Division 2010