What is mentoring?
Mentoring is the presence of a caring responsible adult who, along with the guardian or parent, provides support, motivation, guidance, advice and friendship in order to help a young person succeed.
What does mentoring mean to a young person?
To a young person, mentoring means to have a responsible, caring role model and friend to look up to. This role model can help them achieve their goals in life.
What do I need to do to become a mentor?
- Have the desire to help a young person.
- Submit the complete mentor application.
- Submit to a background check (live-scan fingerprints, etc.)
- Attend a one training day at Camp San Luis Obispo, Sacramento, or Los Alamitos .
- Follow through for the 12 months after the cadet graduates the program.
How often can I visit my mentee at the academy?
Mentors, once screened, are allowed to visit their mentee on announced mentor visit days from mentor training. However, we know that many of you live very far away. Visits are NOT mandatory. Visits need to be arranged in advance. Typically, Sunday is the best day to visit. Saturday is usually when the cadets are doing community service. The mentors are always invited to participate in the activities on Saturday, but it does require some coordination.
What happens if I run into a problem with my mentee?
If a problem arises in the relationship, the Mentor is encouraged to discuss the problem with the mentee. If the problem persists, the mentor should then contact the Mentor Coordinator.
What if my help is not wanted?
It is not easy for a young person to trust an adult; it may take a long time to build trust in the mentoring relationship. You as the mentor cannot interpret caution as rejection; it is likely that the youth may not even know that they need your assistance. Patience and time is the key.